Contents of Abstract


1Kakeru OKURAA Study of Better Estimation of Surface Wind Speed Using Mesoscale Meteorological Numerical Simulation Model
2Masato KANEKOThe Development of the Soil Infiltration Model for Distributed Runoff Model
3Yuichirou KODAMAInterception Evaporation Amounts Depending on Tree Species
4Yukiko TENDODeveloping a Hydrometeor Discrimination System with Newly-developed Optical Apparatus in Hokuriku Region in Winter
5Takumi SATONumerical Computation of Jet which Recirculation Occurs at Outflow Boundary
6Yuki MATSUURAThe Effect of Horizontal Resolution for Performing Meteorological Simulation in Hokuriku Region
7Shotaro ABEDevelopment of snow coverge area distinction methodology from the terrestrial images considering lighting conditions on snow surface
8Masato IIHAMAExtraction of three-dimensional tree from parameters using airborne laser scanner data
9Yuki IZUMIExtraction of three-dimensional form characteristics of the paddy fields using terrestrial laser scanner measurement
10Taishuke KURASHINAExtraction of rice growth information from times-series X band radar satellite imagery
11Takahiro TANAHASHIDevelopment of general-purpose algorithm for male flower area extraction from cryptomeria images
12Kei NAGATAThe annual comparison for the growth state of crops using time-series MODIS data in South Australia
13Yudai FURUTAConstruction of DDO gene promoter analysis system in the yeast Cryptococcus humicola
14Satoshi YOSHIDACloning of Tris(2-chloroethyl) Phosphate-Degrading Enzyme Gene from Sphingobium sp. strain TCM1
15Satomi OOKOCHI(title unknown)
16Ken AOIIsolation of methanogenic microbial community from marine subsurface sediment using continuous-flow bioreactor
17Yuki OHTSUKAThe detection by high sensitive FISH of the apsA mRNA expression microorganism group in the liquid waste treatment reactor
18Akiko OHYA Evaluation of the treatment characteristics and the retained sludge properties in an UASB reactor treating municipal sewage
19Takuya KAZAWADevelopment of food waste treatment system that combines thermophilic and no addition of water anaerobic digestion with ammonia removal
20Keiichi KUBOTAGeneration of Electricity from Organic Wastewater by Microbial Fuel Cells
21Misako KURABEBiological Nitrogen Removal for Seawater
22Kota SATODevelopment of Next-Generation Rubber-Processing Wastewater Treatment Technology Consisting UASB and DHS
23Taiga HIRAOKAStudy on the Biological Treatment of Bioethanol Wastewater
24Norihisa MATSUURATechnology to prevent of dissolved methane gas emission from effluent of anaerobic wastewater
25Shinya ONODevelopment of biological nitrogen removal technology in recirculating system for oceanarium
26Ryo IZUMIMaking of Phosphorus Fertilizer that Makes Sewage Sludge Incineration Ash Raw Material High-Quality and Proof of Effect of Fertilizer and Safety to Floriculture
27Teruaki TAKEUCHISynthesis High Performance DDR Type Zeolite Membrane for a Novel Support Development
28Kiwamu TAKEYADevelopment of Vehicle Fuel Making Technology by Digestive Gas Purification that Uses DDR-Type Zeolite Membrane
29Tomoyuki SHIMIZUApplication of the layered bismuth copper oxide, as the cathode of a solid oxide fuel cell
30Nobuaki SUZUKIEffect of the TiO2 doping to the CeO2-based cermet anode for the direct oxidation of methane
31Takuma TSURITANIMetal adsorption from aqueous solution by Ca-Alginate-Bentonite beads
32Yushi MITAEffects of metal ion substitution on the photocatalytic activity of metal oxides fot water splitting reaction
33Hiroki YAMAUCHIDevelopment of solid acid catalyst for production of liquid fuel from deproteinized natural rubber
34Yuta WATANABEPb(II) removal by CeO2-TiO2 aqueous environment
35Toru INAGAKIModeling of the Vehicle Passing Behavior in Two-lane Expressways
36Takahiro KASAIStructuring Disaster Prevention Awareness of Local Residents in Nagaoka and the Role of Voluntary Disaster Management Organizations
37Hiroyuki KUTSUNAA Study on Travel Behavior and Hazard Perception of Aged People
38Yuki SAKUMAA Research about the Use Actual Situation and User Satisfaction of the Road Station
39Takao SASAKIConsideration on the Offer of Vacant House for Rural Immigration
40Mayuko TANABEA Planning Study on Downtown Parking Management in Nagaoka, Niigata
41Nao NAGAYAMAEffect of Mobility Management for Public Transport in Mitsuke, Niigata
42Tomonari NOMURAA Study on Interregional Trade in the Spatial Computable General Equilibrium Model
43Wataru KATOEffect of a Proposed Speed System on Trip Travel Time and Fuel Consumption
44Seigo HINOUEEstimating CO2 Emission due to Interregional Trading of Agricultural and Fishery Products for Enviromental Burden Reduction Policies
45Mitsunobu KIMURAStudy on Possibility of Rebuilding Passing Age Apartment House in Local City
46Yuuta TAKANOStudy on the Role and Future Ideal Way of Key Village in Rural Area
47Jun TAKEZAWAStudy on urban structure for sustainable public transportation in local city
48Sawa TANAKAStudy on City Planning Area Reorganization with Merger of Municipalities
49Tatsuya NISHIYAMAStudy on the Districts where it has not Started Development in Area Division System
50Daisuke FUKUDAStudy on Plan Making Process and Actual Condition of Operation about Local Authorities' Land Use Management Plan
51Yoichi MATSUMOTOStudy on Sustainability at Suburban Residential Area in Local City
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