Contents of Abstract


1Keita IKEDADevelopment of Analysis Method on Vertical Circular Tunnel by Pipe Jacking Method and its Application
2Takahiro SUZUKIDevelopment on Setting Method of Three-Dimensional Correction Alignment Due to Snake Like Motion
3Yuki SOMASimulation of Shield Behavior in Sharp Curve by the Kinematical Shield Model
4Naoki TsukamotoCountermeasures to reduce ground vibration induced by Shinkansen bullet-train
5Yuhei NISHIMURAEffects of Fine-grain Fraction and Sand Density on Mechanical Properties of Sand Consolidated Long-term
6Soki HATASHITAAnalysis of SENS Lining Behavior by Continuous Model
7Ryota HIRAKAWAEffects of Cementation and Small Cyclic Shear History on Mechanical Properties of Sand
8LE LONGEstimation of Settlement of Clayey and Sandy Ground induced by Traffic Load using Soil Element Test
1Isaac Alfonso GARCIA GARCIAUse of Geolocated Twitter Data in MobilityPattern Analysis of Foreigner Tourists
2Ryo OSAKAStudy on Evaluation Method of Crack Resistance of HMA Mixture by Semicircular Bending Test
3Ryoma SAKAIStudy on Improving Workability of Asphalt Mixtures for Repair Water Engineering
4Zemedkun Bereket SAMUELFundamental Study on Performance of Recycled HMA Mixtures with Various RAP Contents
5Masato TAKAHASHIStudy on Mechanism of Top-down Cracking in Asphalt Pavement
6Yuta HIRASAWAStudy on the Evaluation for HMA Mixtures with RAP of Below Standard
7Kota TAKANOEstimation of Stress Relaxation Characteristics of HMA Based on Evaluation of Binder Properties
8Hayato TOGASHIThe Effects of the Modified Asphalt Using the Special Resin on the Performance of Asphalt Mixtures
1Ikki IshiiStudy on scattering of anti-freezing agent and corrosion of steel in mountainous area
2Daigo SatoAnalytical study on load carrying capacity of truss members with corrosion damage
3KEISUKE MORIHISARepair method using CFRP sheet for corroded steel connecting members
1Yuki INOClarification of Mechanism of Adhesion of Chloride on Concrete Surface and Development of its Mathematical Model
2Shohei KIRIMOTOInvestigation for establishing a judging method of outflow on bridge girders due to tsunami and its effectiveness
3Keisuke MINOWAInvestigation of Environmental Action Model Applied to Prediction of Shrinkage of Concrete in Structures
4Seiya NITTAApplication of clinical methodology on diagnosis of concrete structures
1Nguyen Hong DaiStudy on features and validity of three dimensional nonlinear long wave equation
2Natsuki SATOStudy on understanding the relationship between sandy beach shape on the Uchinada Coast and occurrence of rip current
3Keita SHINADAStudy on Grasp of Flow Condition of Beach Affected by Beach Flow and Air Flow
4Kazuya MAEKAWARAStudy on seepage flow in the lower ground of riverbed structure
5Akifumi YAMASHITAStudy on grasp of flow condition of the rip current to occur in sandy beach Coast
6Nagisa TAKEDAA study on determinants of water temperature structure in river water reduction area
7Yoshiki TSUKADAA Study of Beach Cusps Formation in Jogehama Beach, Nigata Coast
1Igari TakahiroStudy on effect of prevent liquefaction by compaction gravel pile
2Itaru UchidaEvaluation of Ground Vibration Characteristics of Mashiki Town Affected by the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake
3Masashi SaitoImprovement of coupled particle calculation method of soil particles and pore water based on sand column collapse experiment in water
4Hironao SAKUMAEstimation of Road Surrounding Noise Using CA Method
5Hayate SeinoExaminationon direct observation of soil particles and seepage flow in the internal erosion phenomenon
6Takaki DaichiA Study on Stability Evaluation of Coast Breakwater against Tsunami
7Koyo TsushimaEarthquake ground motion estimation at the bridge installation point damaged by the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake
8Takuya HASEGAWAAnalysis on the occurrence mechanism of the subsidence of the Kashiwazaki Plain after the earthquake
9Hasegawa MikiEstimation of road management index using car noise and vibration
1Chikara KASAHARAConsideration of earthquake ground motion level and Liquefaction in The 1987 East Off Chiba Prefecture Earthquake

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