第3章では,中温嫌気性汚泥を対象に,16S rRNA遺伝子に基づいた微生物群集構造解析及び,FISH法を用いたWWE1門細菌の視覚的検出を行った.Bacteriaを対象とした解析結果では,既報の報告の通り,WWE1門細菌は中温条件で高頻度に検出されることが確認された.Archaeaを対象とした解析結果では,M. beijingenseが汚泥内で優先しており,WWE1門細菌のプロピオン酸酸化に何らかの形で関与するのではないかと考えられた.また,FISH法においては,既報の報告の通り,WWE1門細菌は球形または短桿形であることが分かった.第4章では,様々な基質を用いて,WWE1門細菌の集積培養を行った.その結果,WWE1門細菌が最も増殖した基質は,プロピオン酸とアミノ酸を基質とした培養系であり,集積培養系の構築に成功した.それぞれを単独基質とした培養系では,WWE1門細菌が増殖しなかったことから,本細菌はアミノ酸を必要とし,プロピオン酸を異化代謝している可能性が強く示唆された.
第5章では,集積培養系内でWWE1門細菌が検出されたセルロースとアミノ酸及びプロピオン酸とアミノ酸を基質とした培養系に対して, WWE1門細菌のクローン解析を行った.この結果,両培養系内で検出されたWWE1門細菌のクローンは系統学的位置に大きな違いはなく,この結果からもWWE1門細菌はプロピオン酸酸化を担っていることが強く示唆された.また,これまでの微生物群集構造解析及び集積培養の結果から,M. beijingense,M. palmoleiを用いて共培養を行うことでWWE1門細菌を共生系として分離可能であることが強く示唆された.
naerobic wastewater treatment has been applied for various type of wastewater. In recent years, it has been revealed uncultured lineages presents in anaerobic sludges against the backdrop of development of molecular biology. In this paper, we tried to isolate and enrichment of Candidate phyla WWE1 that belong to uncultured bacteria phyla using various type of anaerobic sludge.
First, we analyzed microbial community by massively parallel 16S rRNA gene sequencing as the target of the various mesophilic anaerobic sludge. The result of microbial community analysis, it was confirmed that Candidate phyla WWE1 was detected frequently in mesophilic condition. In the analysis results intended for the archaea, M. beijingense has been dominant in the anaerobic sludge. From this result, M. beijingense has been suggested to be involved in some way in the propionate oxidation of Candidate phyla WWE1. We also checked cell form of Candidate phyla WWE1 in anaerobic sludge which treated wastewater from natural rubber plant. The result of FISH, Candidate phyla WWE1 cells which observed anaerobic sludge was like coccus or short-bacillus. Secound, We investigated enrichment of Candidate phyla WWE1 using various substrate. Result of cultivation, Candidate phyla WWE1 was enriched using propionate and amino acid mixture. Detection rate of Candidate phyla WWE1 (Candidate phyla WWE1/Bacteria) was 44% on average. Because of Candidate phyla WWE1 could not grown in propionate culture system and amino acid mixture system, Candidate phyla WWE1 has been suggested possibility that the catabolism of the propionate not only propionate but also amino acid. The results of clone analysis, clones which recovered from propionate and amino acid mixture and cellulose and amino acid mixture (detected Candidate phyla WWE1) was closely related to "Candidatus Cloacamonas acidaminovorans" (above 94%) and phylogenetic position of these clones did not charge. Therefore, Candidate phyla WWE1 can be isolated as a symbiotic by using co-culture with hydrogen utilizing archaea