氏名:中原 望


指導教員名:山口 隆司 教授、幡本将史 産学融合特任准教授

概要 (和文)
 海底下堆積物環境は地球における重要な物質循環の場であり、その物質循環の役割を担っているのが微生物である。これまでの研究から海底下には膨大な数の微生物が存在することが確認されており、海水中および陸域土壌中の総微生物細胞数と同等と推定されている。また、遺伝子解析技術 (主に16S rRNA遺伝子を標的とした解析) を利用した多くの解析結果から、海底下堆積物環境には系統分類学的に多種多様な微生物が生息していることが明らかにされている。それと同時に、海底下に生息するほぼすべての微生物が人為的に培養されたことがない未培養系統分類群に属することが明らかとなっている。
 本研究では16S rRNA遺伝子を基づいた解析により海底堆積物中に普遍的かつ優占して存在することが知られているChloroflexi門に属する未培養バクテリアに焦点をあて、Anaerolinea綱の新目を代表するMO-CFX2バクテリアおよびDehalococcoidia綱の新目を代表するGIF9バクテリアの分離・培養を目的とした。これらのバクテリアは、下降流懸垂型スポンジ (DHS) リアクターにて前培養された培養物に含まれており、この培養物を植種源としてバッチ培養法を用いて分離・培養を行った。さらに、分離・培養を効率的に進めるために、ゲノム解析に基づいた代謝経路を理解し、得られたゲノム情報から推察された培養条件にて培養を行った。

The subseafloor sedimentary microbes play important roles in biochemical cycles on Earth, and is estimated to contain 2.9 × 1029 microbial cells, a number roughly equal to the combined microbial biomass of the seawater and terrestrial soil. However, most subseafloor sedimentary bacteria is affiliated with an uncultured group, and thus their physiological and ecology properties poorly understood.
Cultivation-independent molecular surveys based on 16S rRNA gene profiling have revealed that the phylum Chloroflexi is widely distributed and one of the dominant bacterial components in subseafloor sedimentary environments. These findings strongly indicate that the members of the phylum Chloroflexi play an important role in biochemical cycles in the subseafloor environments. Despite the ubiquity of subseafloor Chloroflexi, these microbes have evaded cultivation in laboratory, and therefore their detailed physiological and ecology properties are not well understood. In addition, cultivation of elusive microbes are difficult because their growth rates were very slow and low cell yields.
In this study, I report successful cultivation of two Chloroflexi bacteria, belong to class Dehalococcoidia GIF9 bacterium and class Anaerolineae MO-CFX2 bacterium based on 16S rRNA gene. Isolation and enrichment of these Chloroflexi bacteria were archived using a combination of long-term continuous-flow bioreactor cultivation and traditional batch-type cultivation techniques. One of the Chloroflexi bacteria is affiliated with an uncultured group in the class Anaerolineae MO-CFX2 bacterium, and it has been isolated in pure culture. And genomic data shown that predicted metabolism for Anaerolineae MO-CFX2 bacterium can utilize sucrose and nitrate. Thus, I tried to make suitable medium for Anaerolineae MO-CFX2, it was effective to increase growth rate and cell yield. Additionally, MO-CFX2 bacterium has cprTKZEBACD gene cluster involving organohalogen respiration via reductive dehydrogenase.The other bacterium is the predominant population in a highly purified enrichment culture and belongs to an uncultured lineage of the class Dehalococcoidia GIF9 bacterium. In this study, I also determined class Dehalococcoidia GIF9 bacterium cells by FISH. Genomic and cultivated results show that GIF9 bacterium utilized amino acids such as carbone source and energy source.
Both Chloroflexi bacteria grew anaerobically and displayed chemoorganotrphic metabolism with sugars or amino acids. The genomic analysis showed that both bacteria may gain energy via not only fermentation but also respiration catabolism. The results obtained from the cultivation experiment and genome analysis suggested that the Chloroflexi bacteria may have metabolic versatility, and thus the members of Chloroflexi could become predominant population in subseafloor sedimentary environments.
