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論文題目 DHSリアクターを用いた高濃度窒素含有排水の部分硝化
指導教員 山口 隆司 教授 小松 俊哉 准教授 幡本 将史 産学融合特任准教授
廃水中に含まれる高濃度の窒素を処理する技術として、近年注目を集め実用化されつつあるプロセスが、ANAMMOX(ANaerobic AMMonium OXidation:嫌気性アンモニア酸化)である。ANAMMOXによる脱窒は従来の脱窒プロセスと異なり、有機物の添加が不要になるが、前処理として流入水のアンモニア態窒素の約50%を亜硝酸態窒素までの酸化にとどめる部分硝化が必要になる。部分硝化は通常の硝化よりも制御が難しく、現行の実用化に至った部分硝化プロセスでは、後処理のANAMMOXに対して処理時間が長いという課題がある。本研究では曝気が不要でエネルギー消費削減、かつ処理時間短縮が可能になる部分硝化プロセスの構築を目的としてDHS(Down-flow Hanging Sponge)リアクターを適用し、運転方法を検討した。
In recent years, one of the most innovative nitrogen removal process, ANAMMOX (ANaerobic AMMonium OXidation), is applied to nitrogen rich wastewater on site. Compare to conventional nitrogen removal process, ANAMMOX doesn't need external organic addition, but partial nitrification, oxidize about 50% of ammonium to nitrite, is necessary as pre-treamtment. For achieving partial nitrification, external aeration, additionally longer retention time compare to ANAMMOX are needed. DHS(Down-flow Hanging Sponge) reactor, it use sponges as filter media. It have good advantages, no need external aeration and retain high concentration sludge. So in this study, a DHS reactor was applied to "cost effective" partial nitrification process.
In this study, DHS reactor was constructed by 104 right triangular prism sponges divided in four units. The total reactor height and sponge volume ware 4.4m and 1.6L respectively. It was placed in temperature controlled (around 25℃) room. Operational condition is as follows; start up (~day41), one-point feeding (day42~133, phase1), two-step feeding (day 134-325, phase2) and four-step feeding (day326-515, phase3). Methane fermentation digestion dewatering was used as wastewater.
Total nitrogen and ammonium of influent were 538±61 and 420±56 mgN/L respectively. Nitrite and nitrate were below 10 mgN/L. At phase1 and phase2, temporary nitrite accumulation was occured, and only nitrate was produced finally. On the other hand, continuous nitrite accumulation was occured at phase3. Water quality profile among reactor height at phase3, the pH was maintained around 8.0 despite nitrite and nitrate production and it contributed to nitrite accumulation. On day 516, after continuous feeding experiment, denitrification potential of retained sludge was measured. From these results, it suggested that step-feeding DHS reactor can achieve partial nitrification and denitrification simultaneously.