

山口隆司, 幡本将史

 上下水道の開発により我が国では, 水系感染症が激減したが、途上国において水感染症は未だ大きな問題として存在している。本研究室では途上国向けに排水処理技術として下降流懸垂型スポンジ (DHS) システムの開発を行っている。しかしながら、DHSシステムにおける病原性に関わる微生物の知見は、大腸菌・大腸菌群および大腸菌ファージなどに留まっている。そこで本研究では、DHSシステムにおける新たな知見を収集すべく、Real-time PCR法および特定基質酵素培地法を用いてDHSシステムの有する病原性細菌除去能力の解明を試みた。
 最初に、下水を供給排水とする沈殿槽-DHSシステム処理水中の病原性細菌の遺伝子を経日的に定量を行い、活性汚泥法と比較を行った。標的とした遺伝子は、流入下水においてPCR増幅が確認されたftsZ,、uidA (大腸菌)、eaeA (腸管出血性大腸菌)、plc、cpe (ウェルシュ菌) の5つの遺伝子を対象とした。実験期間において沈殿槽-DHSシステム処理水における流入下水からの除去率はftsZで2.0±1.7 log、uidAで2.3±2.1 log、eaeAで2.1±2.2 log、plcで1.6±1.3 log、cpeで1.6±1.5 logを示した。処理水中の標的遺伝子および指標微生物は活性汚泥法と同等の値を示し、沈殿槽-DHSシステムは活性汚泥法と同等の除去能力を有する可能性が示唆された。
 Waterborne infectious disease is reduced in our country because spread of water and sewerage. But, it is essential factor in development country. In my laboratory developing DHS system, DHS system is wastewater treatment technology targeting development country. However, knowledge of pathogen in wastewater treatment process using DHS system have not enough. Therefore, this study trying quantify of pathogen and indicator microorganism in DHS reactor treating domestic sewage.
First, quantified efferent of Settling Tank (S.T.) ?DHS system treating domestic sewage and compared with Activated Sludge Process (ASP). Target gene was ftsZ and uidA (E.coli), eaeA (EHEC), plc and cpe (C.perfringens). Target gene were selected by PCR method. Removal rate of S.T.-DHS system from domestic sewage showed ftsZ: 2.0±1.7 log, uidA: 2.3±2.1 log, eaeA: 2.1±2.2 log, plc: 1.6±1.3 log, cpe: 1.6±1.5 log in experimental period. Target gene and indicator microorganism volume in effluent of S.T.-DHS system showed same as ASP, and suggested S.T.-DHS system having removal ability of pathogen same as ASP.
Next, did profile analysis in DHS reactor for comprehend demeanor of pathogen in DHS reactor. E.coli and coliform in each treated water and hanging sludge is reduced DHS reactor lower from results. On the other hand, target gene in hanging sludge not reduced. Because of this, suggested pathogen catching to sponge at treating process using DHS reactor.
 Final, new sponge introduced DHS reactor and quantified and compare target gene in new sponge and existing sponge when introduced after 6 days for elucidate of removal mechanism in sponge. Those results, hanging sludge volume was difference 2 times. On the other hand, target gene volume per hanging sludge was not different between new sponge and existing sponge. Because of this, main removal mechanism of pathogen and indicator microorganism at treating process using DHS reactor is catching to sponge. Also, catching volume to new sponge was lower than calculated metric. Because of this, suggested predation by protozoa and metazoan, and extinction.
