Basic Study on Evaluation of Tensile Deformation for Asphalt Concrete Using Splitting Test
In our country, direct tensile test is operated as evaluate tensile deformation for asphalt concrete. It provides a tensile stress in the long axial direction of the quadrangular prism specimen. However, direct tensile test is complicated, and it's take a lot of money and time.
This study has focused on the splitting test as another method for evaluation of tensile deformation because splitting test is easier than direct tensile test. The splitting test is performed horizontal stress on cylindrical specimen by loading a vertical compressive load. Splitting tests have been conducted for understanding the tensile strength. In recent years, splitting coefficient was introduced as a new deformation evaluation index in splitting test. However, deformation used splitting test don't confirmed as evaluate tensile deformation. Splitting coefficient is calculated by using the vertical deformation. However, splitting test is performed horizontal stress and vertical deformation isn't deformation due to stress. Therefore, physical meaning of the splitting coefficient is unknown.
This study examined the splitting test as efficacy of evaluate tensile deformation and verified the vertical deformation which calculated to splitting coefficient. To this purpose, this study compared the characteristic of deformation of asphalt concrete using the direct tensile test and splitting test. Specimen is a dense-graded asphalt concrete of 13mm maximum particle size of the aggregate. Binder was used ¶ type polymer modified asphalt and straight asphalt.
From these studies, the following findings were obtained.
1. Splitting test can measure tensile strength but deformation is difficult.
2. Horizontal deformation is more effective than vertical deformation when calculate the splitting coefficient. Because didn't get a correlation between the horizontal deformation and vertical deformation using splitting test.
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