Nozomi Nagashima
Study on grasp of crop vegetation index time-series change by low frequency cloud area using MODIS observation image
Atsushi Rikimaru,Kazuyoshi Takahashi
Present, remote sensing technology is used for comprehending of the land coating situation.
In particular, the agriculture remote sensing is a representative field.
Agriculture remote sensing observes farmland and the forest for agriculture and forestry.
It is important to comprehend a change of the vegetation with high frequency for agriculture remote sensing.
However, it is difficult that the present conditions that time-series change observation by cloud .
Following this problem, researcher”Ēs Kobayashi (2011) tried extraction NDVI with high frequency by image of the cloud frequency area.
Image of the cloud frequency area is put cloud level of the MODIS image on top of one another (46 scenes) for one year and expressed frequency covered to the cloud of each spot.
As a result, he was able to extract NDVI with high frequency, but was not able to extract NDVI of the Thai farmland in the wet season.
The cause of the result are obstacle by cloud area and including different domain of the land coating within the same polygon.
Researcher”Ēs Kobayashi made a polygon in the form of the cropland and extracted an NDVI level of the inside.
Thus, this study set NDVI extraction area by using farmland domain with the low frequency cloud area to extract more correct NDVI.
As a result, this study set the cloud low frequency area of 2009, 2010, 2011.
In addition, this study grasped the time-series change of the Thailand crops with high frequency using MODIS eight days composite image.
In addition this study grasped change of NDVI in wet season by using the farmland area with low frequency cloud area.
This study can grasp the change of the vegetation index of the crops through the year by using this method, and it will be available in the field of agriculture.
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