Title Study on design of mixture and characterization of asphalt mixture for sealing
Advisor Osamu TAKAHASHI
Asphalt mixture for sealing has been used extensively in Hokuriku district. It is also widely used in Nagaoka.
Also asphalt mixture for sealing is different from the asphalt mixture to be used in ordinary asphalt pavement.
So, there are many problems with it compared. One of the problems, there is a stripping.
Stripping is scattered in snow melting pipe as wheel load location to act and areas affected by water.
Stripping is gradually worsen for penetration of moisture and traffic load.
And important problem is stripping arise short period time after the construction.
In some cases, stripping is arised the construction in the fall to winter.
Therefore, in this study, to determine resistance to stripping asphalt mixture for sealing better.
The objectives of the study are as follows;
(1)To analyze gradation of aggregate of current, and to suggest gradation of aggregate for bond strength is increase
(2)To select the optimum asphalt content of (1).
(3)To implement bond strength of interface test for the design was determined by the above (1) and (2),
in comparison with the results for a mixture of current, to evaluate whether it is reasonable as the asphalt mixture for sealing.
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