Takuya SUDO

A Study on the Punching Shear Resistance Mechanism of RC Slab corroded reinforcement

Recently, RCslab has become a problem of salt corrosion. Studies on the corrosion of steel reinforced concrete slab has been made, but some of the degradation process is still unclear and the impact on the structural performance of steel corrosion is present. Hence, by corrosion in steel reinforced concrete slab, how to understand what caused the symptoms, when the strength decreases, it is essential to clarify the cause.
In this study, prepared for RC Slab eroded the steel, and salt corrosion RC to understand the impact of the structural performance of the slab, mechanisms of reduced tolerance and understanding of the process of decrease of strength punching shear due to corrosion The purpose of doing research. In order to elucidate the mechanism of the punching shear strength degradation due to corrosion was investigated by finite element analysis and experiments.
Punching shear test results, the corrosion of rebar in RC slab punching shear strength was confirmed to be lower than the punching shear strength of a healthy specimen.
Experimental results clarify the mechanism for the verification of these reduced strength, punching shear strength of specimens is considered a mechanism for strength reduction compared with specimens healthy, was not affected. To reproduce the results verified by finite element analysis based on the results, the value of each analysis to accurately reproduce the experimental value. Thus, tolerance is a major cause of degradation was suggested to be due to other mechanisms. The analysis to reproduce the effect of bending deformation due to corrosion product expansion pressure, it was confirmed that this will lead to strength degradation. Toward a quantitative assessment, will require further study.

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