Forecast corrosion quantity of weathering steel bridge


 Lately we are using weathering steel for bridges. It can save a maintenance management cost because can use it by no painting. Nevertheless few of the weathering steel bridges have a problem that it gets scaly rust and stratified amotion rust partially. It happens by coming flying salt from the sea and dew condensation on steel surface.
 So this research is about examining coming flying salt and corrosive relation, estimating corrosion quantity at inside digit of existing steel bridge and examining to measure wetting time of steel surface simplicity style.
 The measure term was December, 2008 to December, 2010. I have investigated a wind velocity of a coming flying salt collect period and coming flying salt quantity collected at under digit. In consequence I figure out that there is coming flying salt in the correlation with wind velocity.
 In addition I have investigated coming flying salt quantity averages of one year and two years and each corrosion decreased quantity one year and two years of exposed experimental weathering steel piece. In consequence I figure out that there is corrosion decreased quantity in the correlation with coming flying salt.
 In addition I have investigated influence that a changing wind velocity gives in board thickness decrease quantity. In consequence I have considered a changing wind velocity and have forecasted board thickness decrease quantity after 100 years. I could confirm unsafe place.
Also steel gets influence of wetting time to corrode. In consequence I have investigated a simply way to measure wetting time by a direct current resistance.
I have put ACMsensor, temperature and humidity meter and tester at steel bridge. The data of tester was changing almost coinciding with the data of ACMsensor and temperature and humidity meter. In consequence it has possibility to measure by a direct current resistance.

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