Muhamad ARIFF bin Muhamad Yusoff

A Fundamental Study on Evaluation of the Rutting on Asphalt Concrete using a Simple Method


Wheel tracking test is commonly used to evaluate the rutting of asphalt pavement. By using the same mechanism to evaluate rutting, the Uniaxial Compression Test (UCT) is a simple test that is suggested to replace the Ł÷heel tracking test.
The mixture used are Dense-13 and Dense-20. The asphalt binder used were Straight AsphaltˇĘStAsˇËby the quantity of 4.0% to 6.5%. The temperature of the pavement under use can reach 60 degree Celsius in summer time. Therefore the same temperature is set for this test. The sample is made to 1:2 ratio of diameter:height. It is easy to see the shear stress in this ratio which is usually used in compression test.
In this research, the result when comparing Uniaxial Compression Test (UCT) and Wheel Tracking testˇˇ(WT) shows a very high correlation. Now in this stage, we still can not say that the Uniaxial Compression Test (UCT) can 100% replace the Wheel Tracking test (WT) because only a few kind of mixtures are being used. However, Uniaxial Compression test (UCT) looks very promising to be used.

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