A Study about Thermal Conductivity of Characteristicin of Soil Kherlen River Basin in Country of Mongolia

Minjiao LU

In recent years, Northeastern Asia that centers on Mongolia and Northeastern China are changing from the wet region to a dry region at relatively narrow range.Accompany with it,there formed clear area in ground that it likes forest-grassland-desert. The overpasturing is a problem in the pasture like Mongolia.Because this influence differ,there need to study of best control methods and grasp of soil characteristic about each ground.

In this study, estimated thermal conductivity from experience expression and braking depth refer to data such as temperature and volumetric water content of soil was observed by RAISE project in recent years.

In addition, thermal conductivity from experience expression similar thermal conductivity from braking depth, I went estimate fixed number that is used for a calculation for no dimension flow coefficient.

The fixed numberθ0 and q was calculated thermal conductivity from flow coefficient because thermal conductivity is found from experience expression no dimension flow coefficient a range of 0~1.thermal conductivity from experience expression approximated thermal conductivity from braking depth When used fixed numberθ0 and θ0/θSAT ,but it’s necessary more further examination from soil composition because root mean square was over 10%.

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