Junji Ikeda
Study on Relationship of Apartment House and Community in Local City
Syu Higuchi and Bunpei Nakad
It is thought that the apartment house said that it will promote urban residence is not friendly in general with a community easily. To examine how the apartment house should build good relationship with a community, this study understands the situation between the apartment house and its surrounding community and makes clear the relationship.
At first, we examine the apartment house siting trend and the change of the number of the population and households for in the densely inhabited district 1970 of Niigata Prefecture Nagaoka City, and divided the various districts into the types. Next, we did hearing to the representative in the neighborhood association and the apartment house, and clarified the realities of the neighborhood association activity that became forming basic of aˇˇcommunity and the acceptance situation of the apartment house. Then, we understood the situation of resident's of detached house in surrounding and their intention to apartment house construction in the future by the hearing investigation to the resident around the apartment house. As a result, we clarified that the apartment house form not accepted easily to a community existed while the apartment house construction was indispensable to promote urban residence.
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