Daisaku KUSABA

Reseach on pollution runoff analysis based on long term continuous observation of CSOs and the improvement effect of improvement


Combined sewer overflow has come to be regarded as a serious issue in Japan, and there is a pressing need for improvement works to provide a solution.In this paper, based on the observation data of the sewer system in Nagaoka city, the evaluation about the effects of the countermeasures for the improvement is quantitatively performed using the analysis model MOUSE.
In this study, long-term automatic sampling system installed in the Nagaoka City public sewerage system, and the quality and quantity of the combined sewer overflow were continuously observed for more than 1200 days. Then, runoff simulation was carried out using the runoff analysis model (MOUSE).
As a result, we calculated the yearly runoff load using measured data. Then missing data was estimated using the runoff analysis simulation model. And, the dimensioning of a storage tank to reduce the CSO pollution load was established.

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