Tomoko OIDA
Study of the physico-chemical treatment on dye wastewaters
Recent years, the concern for environmental problems has risen. So the coloring wastewater in the waters is taken up as a problem. In the coloring wastewater, textile dye wastewaters have been exhausted untreated wastewater for colored component. In this research, it reports on Hypochlorite oxidation method that is one of the physicochemical treatments. OrangeIof Azo dyes and real dye wastewater from dye works in Okayama were used as a sample. Reactive time was 30 minutes.
The examination experiment of the influence of the pH on bleaching action that used Hypochlorite was done. The bleaching action of the hypochlorite originates Hypochlorite and Hypochlorite ion. These change the Existence ratio by the pH. It was examined whether Hypochlorite or Hypochlorite B was useful for the bleaching. The sample made for Coloring level was 2000 degrees and pH was 6,7and 8 prepared. Hypochlorite added to these samples. And Coloring level was measured.
It was observed feature that real dye wastewater needs Hypochlorite more than OrangeI. And influence of the pH on the bleaching effect was not seen. Therefore, it was guessed that difference of existence ratio between Hypochlorite and Hypochlorite ion influenced the effect of the bleaching so much.
The influence of Initial coloring level on the bleaching rate of the hypochlorite was examined. The real wastewaters sample made for Coloring level was 500-7000 degrees and pH 7 prepared. Hypochlorite added to these samples. And Coloring level was measured. The bleaching rate after the hypochlorite had oxidized was 60-80¡ó. It is thought that remaining of irresolvable dyestuff as this reason. And lower Initial coloring level was, the higher bleaching rate was. To make the coloring level of final treatment waters lower, I thought that the hypochlorite oxidizes after lowering the coloring level as much as possible.
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