Examination about Picture Measurement of the Form of Bed Stones
The river in Japan there is nothing with how often and it suffers flood damage, such as a flood.River construction has been advanced that it should be coped with.However, only the purpose of river improvement preceded and consideration was not made so much by river environment at the beginning.In recent years, change of the environment came to be pointed out in the river of every place.
One of the change of river environment has change of bed material.Thereby, the ecosystem of a river is influenced.
The Uonuma River is also one of such the rivers.The particle diameter of bed stones changes with river construction, and there is indication of having affected the fish catch of a sweet fish.It aimed at form measurement of bed stones from a picture in this research.
There are the following advantages in measurement by the picture.¡Almost all the stones of the photography range are made for measurement.¢There is reproducibility of measurement.£Many amounts of the form features can be treated.¤The state of stream bed stones can be grasped.
Especially a process until it photos the point where change of bed stones is actually pointed out in fish Nogawa, it performs some image processing and it measures the form is described.
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