Hromitsu AKAI

Development of the stress meter for early age concrete

SuperviserFTakumi SHIMOMURA

The theory of the stress meter was reconfirmed, then the theory was examined by the experiment concerning the rigidity and friction of the stress meterfs case.
Theoretical study on the stress meter, that accuracy of measurement in early age has been enhanced if rigidity and friction of the stress meterfs case were lowered.
Then the new stress materfs case to use the polyethylene form of a low rigidity and the Teflon seat of the low friction so that accuracy may improve, as it is a theory is made. And, the new stress meter that combined this new case stress materfs case with weight saving load cell was made for trial purposes.
For comparing the new stress materfs case and stress materfs case, comparing test and comparing testfs recurrence analysis by finite element method (FEM) were done.
As a result of comparing tests and FEM method, the accuracy enhancement of the new stress meter was confirmed.