Exploring unrecognized lineages of life at the domain level by RNA@technologies.
Akiyoshi OHASHI , Hiroyuki IMACHI, Hideki HARADA
In the analysis of 16S rRNA gene, it is becoming clear that many microbe kinds exist at ecosystems, such as natural environment, and waste-water treatment process.In such microbe community structural analysis, the method through the PCR amplification using universal primer designed based on 16S rRNA gene Sequences of the microbe already separated and cultivated is used.However, by this analysis technique, there is a problem that somekids of microbes which doesn't have the universal primer sequence is undetectable. Therefore, when the non-cultivated microbe group which has remarkably different Sequence from the existing 16S rRNA gene exists, those existence may have been underestimated or disregarded till the present.
First, we developed a new procedure employing sequence specific cleavage of 16S rRNA to selectively amplify 16S rRNA genes that are not Frequently Found in Normal Clone Libraries. The validity of this method was checked with the applied of anaerobic consocia. Second, we developed exploring unrecognized lineages of life at the domain level by using this RNA technique.