Yukinori SUZUKI
Experimental study on chloride ingress into concrete member under real environment
Supervisor Takumi SIMOMURA
There is the steel corrosion by intruded chloride ions as representative example of degradation form involved crack.
There is route of entry of promoting agents (water, chloride ion, etc.) of steel corrosion that cracks exist, and corrosion of the inside concrete member is promoted.
This study is becoming the focus on effects of distribution of chloride ion concentration into concrete member depend on the crack width, and it inspected about quality of the concrete, difference of steel disposition and long period exposure on an experimental basis.
Built environment over steel corrosion was made under the corrosive environment, and the experiment of long period exposure was conducted.After the experiment, we sampled from concrete test piece and done distribution of chloride ion concentration test. The results are as follows.
PjThe amount of Intruded chloride ions depend on period of exposure.
QjMovement of chloride ions along steel is affected by the difference of steel disposition.
Numerical analysis of the exposure experiment and study of water migration into concrete member were discussed also.