Yoichi SATO

Study on fatigue failure characteristics for modified asphalt concretes


In this study, fatigue characteristics of modified asphalt concretes were evaluated based on laboratory tests and field data analysis. For the laboratory test, cyclic bending tests were curried out with considering some aging effects.
The following findings are the study.
1. Cyclic bending on testG
EThe fatigue failure resistance of asphalt concrete with modifies binder are higher than that with straight asphalt binder.
2. On the estimation of accumulated damageG
EFatigue life for asphalt concrete with straight asphalt is about 6 years.
EFatigue life for asphalt concrete with modified asphalt type‡Uis about 10 years.
EFatigue life for asphalt concrete with modified asphalt type‡V is about 18 years.