Shinsuke Hattori

‚` Study on Right Relation for Land and Building and Fluidity of Building Use in the Central District.

Bunpei Nakade Syuu Higuchi

We take notice of the low fluidity of the building use as a factor of decline of central district. Though the complicated right relation for land and building and the existence of absentee landlord generally seems to be explaining as the factor inhibited the fluidity, there is no research which shows the quantitative data. Therefore, this study aims on clarifying the effect of the right relation for land and building on the building uses and those change.
We find that in the central district 1) the ratio of absentee landlords don't so much, 2) simple and complicated right relation also exist for about each 50% and 3) the fluidity of the building use have been low for this ten years. It is proven that the remarkable correlation is not observed between the fluidity of right relation and building use.
We show that it is necessary for the activation the understanding and cooperation of person having right and living there. And then all person with right have to consider the future of central district.