Estimation of Earth Pressure Using Triaxial Test
Hirofumi TOYOTA
The strength parameters, which are used in the design of earth structures, are obtained from element tests. However, although there are many testing conditions to evaluate the strength parameter, it is not obvious that what condition is most stable for in-situ situation. In this study, triaxial compression and extension tests under constant axial stress conditions were conducted to express active and passive earth pressure, respectively.
The noteworthy points from the experimental results are summarized as follows:
1. Under drained conditions, the effect of stress level should be considered to estimate the value of on normally consolidated clay and , on over consolidated clay.
2. Under undrained conditions, although the value of is available on normally and over consolidated clay, quantitative estimation regarding generation of excess pore water pressure is difficult.
3. When the total stress method ( , ) is used, stress conditions, such as triaxial compression or extension, are very important because is greatly affected on stress conditions.