Hiroyuki OUCHI

Analysis of Buoyant Jet Flow by the Integral Method


The behavior of the buoyant jet flow under a variety of flow conditions is analyzed on the basis of the integral method. The buoyyant jet flow discharged into the uniform fluid with or without uniform flow, generally, is governed by the initial densimetric Froude number, the initial flow direction and the relative ambient velocity with respect to the initial jet velocity. This study tries to investigate the validity of the integral method changing these parameters.
First, the employed integral analysis is applied to the experimental data of the past study and the validity is confirmed.
After this confirmation, the model is run ofr a variety of the conditions and the following findings are obtained.

It is found that the ratio of the ambient flow to the initial jet flow has to be greater than -0.5 to yield the reasonable calculation result in terms of the jet centerline trajectory.